East Central Solid Waste Commission
Commission’s Office, Mora, MN
September 9, 2024
The regular meeting of the East Central Solid Waste Commission was held on August 12, 2024, at East Central Solid Waste Commission Main Office, Mora, MN. Chairman Greene called the meeting to order at 9:00 am.
Members present at the meeting included: Chisago County Commissioner Richard Greene, Isanti County Commissioner Bill Berg, Kanabec County Commissioner Alison Holland, Mille Lacs County Commissioner Phil Peterson, and Pine County Commissioner Steve Hallan.
Advisory Member Present – Executive Director Janelle Troupe.
Others present at the meeting included: Cami Van Able, Foth, Gene Kramer, Arthur Township, John Kellas, ECSWC, Tracy Emerson, ECSWC.
All present said the Pledge of Allegiance
Commissioner Holland moved to approve the agenda second by Commissioner Hallan, all in favor, motion carried (5-0).
Correction on Page 2, May 2024 Financial Statement should say June 2024 Financial Statement.
Commissioner Hallan moved to approve the Meeting Minutes August 12, 2024, with the correction, second by Commissioner Peterson, all in favor, motion carried (5-0).
Commissioner Holland moved to approve the Claims List, Paid Claims List, Additional Claims, second by Commissioner Berg, all in favor of paying the Claims List 55 items ($240,898.21), the Paid Claims List 5 items ($23,388.91), Additional Claims List 11 items (425,499.25), Payroll 14 items ($149,645.64), all in favor, motion carried (5-0).
Kanabec County Host Fee
Kanabec County staff has provided a Memorandum of Agreement to serve as an Addendum to the Host Fee Agreement.
The Commission requests it be amended to say if the CPI has a decrease the host fee will stay the same that year, the following year, the decrease will be subtracted from the increase.
Commissioner Berb moved to approve the Memorandum of Agreement for Kanabec County Host Fee with the Amendment, second by Commissioner Hallan, motion carried (3-1), opposed by Commissioner Peterson, abstained by Commissioner Holland.
For the month ended July 2024, the ECSWC realized a net income on an accrual basis of $370.162. On a cash flow basis for the month of July there is a increase in cash of $297,695. Un-obligated cash less upcoming cash outlays at the end of the month was $3,379,466.
Reserve accounts for landfill expansion, hauler rebate, operating contingency and host facility fund total $9,748,888.
Commissioner Hallan moved to approve the July 2024 Financial Statements second by Commissioner Peterson, all in favor, motion carried (5-0).
Cambridge Transfer Station Permit Modification
A permit modification is being submitted to increase tonnage capacity to 80,000 tons from 64,000 tons. We went over capacity in 2019 and 2020. MPCA is ready to work on this permit now. The property purchased from Kenny Olson will be included in this permit modification. MPCA wants a submittal of documents by September 13, 2024, so approval is needed for Chairman signature today and submittal completion. A signature from the Isanti County Environmental Services is also requested.
Commissioner Hallan moved to approve the Cambridge Transfer Station Permit Modification second by Commissioner Holland, all in favor, motion carried (5-0).
PFAS Grant Application
Grant Application will be submitted again, requesting money to come up with a PFAS Management Plan. I have requested that FOTH give an outline and budget for this Plan to submit with costs. Grant is disbursed on a first come first serve basis, so as soon as we get the information from FOTH, the application will be submitted.
Landfill Development
Assistant Director Kellas stated Phase 7A development is going well. Small adjustments have had to be made, the clay is going in now, we have been in constant contact with the MPCA, things are moving as expected.
The Next Meeting is scheduled for Monday October 14, 2024, at 9:00 am at the ECSWC main office in Mora.
Chairman Greene asked for a motion to adjourn. Commissioner Holland moved to adjourn the meeting at 10:00 am second by Commissioner Hallan all in favor, motion carried (5-0).
Respectfully Submitted,
Tracy Emerson, Recording Secretary