Minutes March 11, 2024

East Central Solid Waste Commission

Commission’s Office, Mora, MN


March 11, 2024


The regular meeting of the East Central Solid Waste Commission was held on March 11, 2024, at East Central Solid Waste Commission Main Office, Mora, MN. Chairman Green called the meeting to order at 9:00 am.


Members present at the meeting included:  Chisago County Commissioner Richard Greene, Isanti County Commissioner Bill Berg, Kanabec County Commissioner Alison Holland, Mille Lacs County Commissioner Phil Peterson, and Pine County Commissioner Steve Hallan.


Advisory Member Present – Executive Director Janelle Troupe.


Others present at the meeting included:  Assistant Director John Kellas, ECSWC, Cami Van Able, Foth, Bruce Rehwaldt, Foth, Gene Kramer, Arthur Township, Tracy Emerson, ECSWC.




All present said the Pledge of Allegiance




Additions to the agenda include Claims: RDO $7,696.18 for Dozer repair and 8.4 RDO purchase of GPS system for landfill.


Commissioner Hallan moved to approve the agenda with the additions second by Commissioner Holland, all in favor, motion carried (5-0).




Commissioner Holland moved to approve the Meeting Minutes February 12, 2024, second by Commissioner Berg, all in favor, motion carried (5-0).




Additions to Claims: (the item will be on the paid claims list for the next meeting, it came in after the claims lists were completed.)

  1. RDO – $7,696.18 – Repairs to the Dozer.


Commissioner Holland moved to approve the Claims List, Paid Claims List, the Additional Claims List, and the addition to be paid, second by Commissioner Berg all in favor of paying the Claims List 53 items ($296,892.65), the additional claims 8 items ($23,497.26), the Paid Claims List 8 items ($22,653.80), Payroll 12 items ($170,395.91), and the addition to claims ($7,696.18) all in favor, motion carried (5-0).




For the month ended January 31, 2024, the ECSWC realized a net loss on an accrual basis of $174,738. On a cash flow basis for the month of January there is a decrease in cash of $120,352. Un-obligated cash less upcoming cash outlays at the end of the month was $3,085,100.


Reserve accounts for landfill expansion, hauler rebate, operating contingency and host facility fund total $9,637,557.


Commissioner Holland moved to approve the January 31, 2024, Financial Statements second by Commissioner Berg, all in favor, motion carried (5-0).


Cambridge Transfer Station Planning


In December 2018, the property adjoining the Cambridge Transfer Station was purchased from Kenny Olson. Mr. Olson for years had been recycling concrete at that site and was given five additional years to continue his operations.  The discussion at the time was that ECSWC would continue that operation and possibly add some recycling.  We discussed possible building a new transfer station building on that property.


The property is available now for ECSWC to occupy. It would be good to have some guidance as to Commission goals.


Do we want to continue concrete recycling? Mr. Olson allowed the public to dump their concrete at the facility at all hours and all days. He went over periodically and pushed the concrete in a pile. His main income came from delivering the product, but he allowed purchasing and hauling it yourself.  Occasionally garbage was dumped there but not often.


Do we want to do any additional recycling such as shingles, wood?


Maybe if Better Futures is successful, we could have a building on that property that could provide Better Futures with space as well as the Commission.


We will be preparing a Permit Modification for the MPCA because of tonnage increase at the site. If we are including that property in our operations, that needs to be in this Modification. I believe that we will have a meeting with the MPCA about this in May 2024.


Commissioner Hallan stated that yes, he thought we were going to continue to recycle concrete.

Commissioner Berg commented that the Board needs to go look around to make a plan on what we need and want to do.


Commissioner Berg suggested moving ahead with the concrete recycling and explore other options, the rest of the Commissioners are in agreement.


Executive Director Report


2023 Audit


Audit staff (CLA) was on-site February 20th and 21st. We should expect to see the 2023 Audit in April 2024.


Capital Equipment


A purchase order was sent to North Central Internation for two trucks that were budgeted. We will not get these until summer.


A purchase order was sent for the Kawasaki Side by Side on the Claims list.


The backhoe that was purchased used in 2005 was sold by auction. Two semi-tractors that were purchased used are planned to be sold by auction.


The Lift was delivered but not installed yet. The Loader should be delivered in May.


We have been doing some extensive work on the Dozer and the Mattress Trailer.


Waste Delivery Agreement


Waste Management is requesting some deletions from the present Solid Waste Delivery Agreement.  My response is that ECSWC would need to make those changes for all the haulers. We agreed to signing a one-year contract with the Board approval.


Commissioner Hallan moved to approve the signing of a one-year contract for Waste Management second by Commissioner Berg, all in favor, motion carried (5-0).


Consumer Price Index (CPI-U)


MSW Rates change on July 1 according to CPI from prior year.  This year CPI-U for the Midwest rose 3.2 percent for 2023.  I request the Board to approve that rate increase making MSW rate $72.50 on July 1, 2024.


Commissioner Peterson moved to approve the CPI-U increase second by Commissioner Hallan, all in favor, motion carried (5-0).




RDO Purchase of GPS System


Assistant Director Kellas stated the one we already have gets sent in for updating. They called and stated that one is too old for updating and sent a quote for a new one. We need this GPS system to know how much room we have and where. The quote is $36,506.  Asking for approval to purchase the new GPS system that was not in the budget for this year.


Commissioner Holland moved to approve the purchase of the GPS system second by Commissioner Hallan, all in favor, motion carried (5-0).




Ms. Van Able from Foth commented on how the MPCA is with our expansion permitting. The permit was sent to the MPCA in November of 2023 and on February 26, 2024, the MPCA is requiring additional information that has never been requested before. We have now set up Bi-weekly meetings to try and get back on track with all the new additional information requested.


Assistant Director Kellas commented on the installation of the new Gas Wells. Once the road bans are lifted, they will be out here to get them installed.


Director Troupe asked for approval to pay Professional Auto Care before the next meeting.  They are servicing our service truck, we have not received the bill yet, letting us charge the amount without setting up an account, so getting payment to them as soon as we can, would be beneficial.


Commissioner Berg moved to approve the payment to Professional Auto Care second by Commissioner Holland, all in favor, motion carried (5-0).




The April Meeting is scheduled for Monday April 8, 2024, at 9:00 am at the ECSWC main office in Mora.




Chairman Greene asked for a motion to adjourn.  Commissioner Hallan moved to adjourn the meeting at 10:15 am second by Commissioner Holland all in favor, motion carried (5-0).


Respectfully Submitted,




Tracy Emerson, Recording Secretary

Posted in News.