East Central Solid Waste Commission
Commission’s Office – Mora, MN
July 11, 2016
The regular meeting of the East Central Solid Waste Commission was held on July 11, 2016 at the Commission Office, Mora, MN. Chairman Greene called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m.
Members present at the meeting included: Chisago County Commissioner Richard Greene, Kanabec County Commissioner Dennis McNally, Pine County Commissioner Steve Hallan, Isanti County Commissioner Dave Oslund and Mille Lacs County Commissioner Phil Peterson.
Advisory member present – Executive Director Janelle Troupe.
Others also present at the meeting included: Bruce Rehwaldt of Foth Companies, Gerrald Nohner and Wes Carlson of ECSWC, Dick Roesler of Arthur Township, Chris Lawn of Trinity Environmental Equipment, Skattie Kylander of Kanabec County, Pete VanDussen and Chuck Rynda of Waste Management, Eric Brown – District Manager of Cambridge and Rush City, Jerry Moses of East Central Sanitation and Barbara Wilder, Recording Secretary.
All present said the Pledge of Allegiance.
Director Troupe added: Mike’s Lawn Service in the amount of $2,821.50 to the claims list and 8.6 to the New Business – Landfill Appraisal.
Commissioner Oslund moved to approve the amended Agenda, second by Commissioner McNally, all in favor, motion carried (5-0).
Commissioner McNally requested information about 6.1. Director Troupe responded that it would just be a discussion point.
Commissioner Peterson moved to approve the Meeting Minutes June 13, 2016, second by Commissioner Oslund, all in favor, motion carried (5-0).
Commissioner McNally requested clarification on accruals.
Director Troupe added: Mike’s Lawn Service in the amount of $2,821.50.
Commissioner Hallan moved to approve the Claims List, Paid Claims List, the Additional Claims List and the added bill for Mike’s Lawn Service, second by Commissioner Peterson, all in favor of paying the Claims List ($257,873.05), Paid Claims List ($95,863.35), the Additional Claims List ($12,212.87) and Mike’s Lawn Service ($2,821.50), all in favor, motion carried (5-0).
Commissioner McNally requested clarification on the Kanabec County Host Fee.
Director Troupe requested approval to purchase a used John Deere 850K.
Commissioner Peterson moved to approve the purchase of a John Deer 850K dozer in the amount up to $205,000, second by Commissioner Oslund, all in favor, motion carried (5-0).
Introductions were made.
Discussion followed about the purchase of East Central Sanitation by Waste Management.
Recycling was also discussed.
Mr. Jerry Moses thanked Director Troupe and the Commission for the years of doing business.
Director Troupe reported for the month ended May 31, 2016 ECSWC realized a net income on an accrual basis of $168,202.31. On a cash flow basis for May there is an increase in cash of $214,015.82. Year-to-date net income on an accrual basis is $421,501.82. On a cash flow basis year-to-date cash has increased $298,776.81. Un-obligated cash less upcoming cash outlays at the end of the month was $3,578,380.27.
Reserve accounts for landfill expansion, hauler rebate, operating contingency, and host facility fund total $1,682,826.98.
The funds are invested as follows:
The money market checking account at First Citizens National Bank earns .35%, the CDs earn .55% and 1.1%. Tonnage has increased 2,177 tons over 2015 or 5.0%.
Director Troupe reported that she renewed a CD for $500,000 for one year at .73%.
Commissioner Hallan moved to approve the May 2016 Financial Statement, second by Commissioner McNally, all in favor, motion carried (5-0).
Commissioner McNally requested clarification on Financial Assurance.
Director Troupe reported that four bids were received on Friday for the landfill gas header project.
Commissioner McNally moved to approve to contract with Landfill Drilling and Piping Company to complete the landfill gas project in the amount of $109,955, second by Commissioner Hallan, all in favor, motion carried (5-0).
Mr. Chris Lawn of Trinity Environmental Equipment explained the differences between open and closed flare systems. Director Troupe will pursue the open flare option and contact SMMPA.
Director Troupe requested permission to go ahead with a latex paint collection.
Commissioner McNally moved to approve Director Troupe to go ahead with the latex paint collection, second by Commissioner Peterson, all in favor, motion carried (5-0).
Director Troupe requested permission to invest $1 million in Time Certificates of Deposit.
Commissioner Hallan moved to approve to invest $1 million in Time Certificates of Deposit for 12 months at .73%, second by Commissioner Oslund, all in favor, motion carried (5-0).
2015 Audit
Director Troupe reported that the Office of State Auditor will begin working on the 2015 Audit on July 18th.
Landfill Fire
Director Troupe reported that there was a fire on the landfill on Saturday, July 2, 2016. Mora and Ogilvie Fire Departments were present along with three ECSWC employees. Everyone did a great job keeping it under control and handling the garbage to make sure it didn’t start up again.
Commissioner McNally requested clarification of who knows how to get access to the landfill in case of an emergency and to contact the local fire departments about equipment training.
Director Troupe reported that Kanabec County sent us an Agreement for HHW so they can now be reimbursed the HHW money sent by MPCA.
Director Troupe reported that Chisago County would like an appraisal done on the landfill.
Commissioner Peterson moved to get an appraisal done on the landfill, second by Commissioner McNally, all in favor, motion carried (5-0).
Mr. Dick Roesler discussed information about Financial Assurance, Interest Rates and Bonds.
The August Meeting is scheduled for Monday, August 8, 2016 at 9:00 a.m. at the Commission offices.
Chairman Greene asked for a motion to adjourn. Commissioner Hallan moved to adjourn the meeting at 10:53 a.m., second by Commissioner Oslund, all in favor, motion carried (5-0).
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara Wilder
Recording Secretary