Landfill Construction Project RFP – Pre-Bid May 29, 2024 at 10:30.

ECSWC is planning to publish plans and specifications for the construction of an approximate 6-acre MSW disposal cell at the East Central Landfill located in Mora, Minnesota.  The plans and specifications are expected to be available through Quest on Friday (5/17).  The construction work consists primarily of approximately 300,000 CY of excavation to meet design subgrade, construction of a composite liner (2 feet of clay and 60-mil HDPE geomembrane) and associated leachate collection piping and infrastructure.  The landfill has a clay borrow source set up for the project.  Work also includes expansion of the site’s existing landfill gas collection system and leachate recirculation system, along with a leachate transmission lift station.  The bids are planning to be due June 12th at 10 AM and a pre-bid meeting is scheduled for May 29th at 10:30 am at the landfill.  It is expected a contract award will be issued June 17th.


Please contact me if you have any questions and look for the advertisement to be posted on Friday.

Posted in News.